Lack of updates. Oops. Too lazy to blog, nothing much to blog about too. It’s exactly a month away to my first paper for the end-sem exams. I only have 4 papers, spread into 3 days.  End on the 25th Nov then it’s hol hol hol all the way to 8th Jan. Wow. Uni’s pretty slack. Like I only went for one lesson last Friday thoughout the entire week. (Because Mon, Tues I pon, Wed sick, Thurs elearning.) Sigh. Makes me wonder why must we slog one quarter our life just to get that degree, then half your life on work.. how many gazillion years later do we really enjoy life then.

The world should just either end now or everyone should just return to the days where we grew our own vegetables, rear our own animals for survival. Weren’t they much happier during those times. Can materialistic stuff really keep you happy for long. How much money is actually enough. Money IS the root of all evil.

Now I smell onions. Eww. Maybe they’re getting ready for halloween. To scare draculas away? Pet Society is very very addictive. Especially when you have lots of money, and have access to every single thing in stores. The other day I spent 70k, then 100k, then 50k, then 120k… Wa. LOL. My inventory’s filled with many many pages. I’m sure Nurul and Amelia are very addicted to PS like I am too. My Econs + PS buddies. lol.

The only reliving thing is that, our cyber security project is ALMOST done. This is the very first project I see how guys can be more efficient (and useful) than girls. I’m very impressed. Lol.

And noww there’s the oreintation 2010 main com thingy which I landed myself into. Still thinking if it’s a good thing or maybe I’m starting to regret? I don’t like things involving responsibility. ): But since I got into it, maybe God has a plan for me? Hopefully it’ll be fun and the people in it are nice too.

Super wordy post. I’m back to decorating my rooms in PS and buying more halloween stuffs!